Bronica sq a
Bronica sq a


The thing I like about the Mamiya's is the availability of excellent lenses and accessories. This latest addition has lasted me several years and still going strong, but then again, I rarely use it. Then I finally settled with an all metal 645 1000s in mint condition. I replaced it with another that also broke down in about a year. Unfortunately, that original Mamiya 645 lasted only a couple of years before it broke down. I read reviews on the Bronica, but it was too 'cult-like' and exotic for me, with not enough spare parts on the used market. Not wanting to walk out the store disappointed, I jumped on it ! The entire camera would cost me 3 times as much 'sans lens" ! He then pointed out to a Mamiya 645 that was sitting on the shelf that came with an 80mm f2.8 lens and a grip(I still have that grip). At first, I had my mind on a Hassy (500CM ), but when I told the clerk at the used camera store how much money in my pocket I had to play with, he told me that could only pay for the back of the camera. I struggled with that question years ago when I decided to jump to Medium Format. The SQA and SQAi with its PS lenses is the best of the lot.


The Bronica SQ series uses lenses with Seiko shutters that are electronic but virtually bullet proof. If you just plan on having one or two lenses, that's not such a big variable. I've heard of owners who have slipped the mirror out the back of the camera (back plate removed) although I have not tried that myself because I believe there are screws under the screen that need to be removed to get the back plate off.Īnother consideration with the Hasselblad is that each lens has its own shutter mechanism and since they are mechanical, could need attention at some point. If you are a DIY'er this is all within the realm of a reasonably skilled tech on a C/M IMO because the finder screen is easily removeable unlike the 500C which requires a critical readjustment once its been removed.


I suspect a full rebuild by David Odess or Hasselblad would include this.

bronica sq a

The pads under the mirror perish and I am willing to bet a lot of the Hassies out there could stand their mirror to be repadded. The downside is they too at some point in their lives need the mirror redone.

bronica sq a

Hasselblad still fixes them, there are a few specialists around too. I love the Hasselblad and since they are so plentiful, there are lots of repair solutions. So I'm unsure whether to get one of the above, or save up for a Mamiya 7. I want to buy one camera and invest in that system for a good few years, so I’d rather pay upfront for what will be right for me, rather than buying a cheaper option and then wanting/needing to buy another camera in two years’ time. There is also the Mamiya 7, which seems perfect, but expensive. I really like the Mamiya RZ67 but it's not portable, and I've looked up a few cheaper, Russian options but they are notoriously unreliable. The Hasselblad is fully mechanical but I don't like the 6圆 format, and I like the Mamiya 645 but I know can develop issues with focusing due to its mirror - so that feels risky. These are the cameras I have a choice between from the camera shop - the Mamiya 645s and Hasselblad are around the same price, and the Bronica SQ is a little cheaper, the Bronica ETRSI a lot cheaper. I only want SLRs as that's what I'm familiar with and how I like to work.


  • For example, if and when it breaks a few years’ down the line, I want it to have replacement parts easily available, and be able to find people who know how to fix it.
  • I want a camera that is easy to take around, with sharp glass, and reliability.
  • bronica sq a

    I may move into studio portrait photography at some point.I currently shoot in natural light, mainly street photography, and portraits.Therefore, I am looking to buy one camera that will suit my needs, and last me a good few years. While I love to collect cameras, I can't justify the cost as I'm just an amateur though I'm really keen to build up my skills and portfolio, and hopefully take jobs when I have enough confidence in my abilities. I'm looking to buy my first medium format camera and struggling to decide between the options I've found at an online camera shop.

    Bronica sq a